Under Section 341.350 of the Kentucky Unemployment Compensation Laws and Regulations, an individual shall be ineligible for benefits if he/she failed, without good cause, either to apply for available, suitable work or to accept suitable work when offered to him/her by the employment office or an employing unit.
As of January 1, 2023, unemployment insurance claimants must accept an offer of work if:
A claimant has received at least six (6) weeks of benefits during the present period of unemployment;
The job pays at least 120% of a claimant’s Weekly Benefit Amount;
The job is located within 30 miles of a claimant’s home or is a permanent remote job; and
A claimant is qualified to do the job, even without related experience or training.
If you know of someone who has refused to accept suitable work, please visit our UI Fraud page to provide details about the refusal.
Browse our FAQs about Unemployment Insurance.
Other useful links:
Employer Guide 2019
Unemployment Insurance Digest
Unemployment Insurance Compensation Law
Unemployment Insurance Legislative Regulations
UI benefits poster - English
UI benefits poster - Spanish