File A Claim or Request Benefits Online

To File Your Unemployment Insurance Claims You Will Need the Following:

Personal Information

  • Social Security OR Alien Registration Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Complete Mailing Address
  • Phone Number

Employer Information (For the last 18 months):
  • Business/Company Name
  • Business/Company Mailing Address
  • Business/Company Phone Number
  • Dates of Employment
  • The reason you are no longer working for EACH employer

Other Information You May Need
  • ​If you worked in other states: List of states in which you worked.
  • If you worked for a Temporary Agency: Name/Address of Temporary Agency.
  • If you worked for the Federal Government: Agency Name; Component name; Copy of your Standard Form (SF8, SF50).
  • If you were in the US Military: Copy of your DD214 Member 4.
  • If you worked through a skilled trade union: Name of contractor Verification
The Kentucky Office of Unemployment Insurance verifies the identity of every Unemployment Insurance Claimant through, a third-party vendor. Every claimant must pass verification. Learn more about the verification process and get access to a number of helpful video tutorials by clicking here. ​​
To file a claim, click below.

File a Claim Button

​​Only claimants who are exempt from the work search requirements (those who have a definite recall date within 16 weeks of the initial claim filing, are in an approved training program, Eclaims, etc.) may choose to request benefits by phone in​ addition to requesting benefits online.​​ Sign in Button

Claim your weeks or check your payment by telephone at 502-564-2900​.​

By using a touchtone phone, you may claim your weeks or request the status of your last week claimed. This service is available on Sunday from 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. ET and Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.​

Please have the following information readily available before you place your call:

  • social security number;

  • personal identification number (pin);

  • date you returned to full-time work, if you have returned to work;

  • number of hours you worked, if you were paid or will be paid for the work; and

  • amount you earned before any deductions were made.

The system is easy to use. It will talk you through the step-by-step process. In most cases, you will get three attempts to enter the correct information.

If you are claiming two weeks, the system will take you through the same set of questions twice; once for the first week and again for the second week.


A. When you file an initial or reopened claim, you must wait 15 days after you file your claim before requesting benefits. One phone call certifies both weeks you are claiming. Do not call the system back to claim your weeks again, unless there was a system problem and you were advised by the computer to call back later. When you call more than once a day it will kick your payment out as a duplicate, you will get a call from your local office to certify your weeks again, and you will delay your benefits.

B. If during your call, the system tells you to report to your local office, you must report as instructed before the weeks can be paid. Calling the system again will not issue a payment.

C. Don't use a cordless or cellular telephone. The system may not recognize the tone.

D. Answers to all questions must be entered by you and must be truthful. Falsification is punishable by fines and/or imprisonment under KRS.341.990.

E. If you hang up the phone before the system tells you to, your claim will not process. Follow the system's instructions very carefully.​

UI Claimant Guide (Rights and Responsibilities Pamphlet)​

Una version en espanol del documento esta disponible aqui.​

Please read over your Rights and Responsibilities while receiving unemployment insurance benefits here​.​​

To be eligible for benefits you must:

  • Be unemployed or working less than full-time

  • Have earned enough money to establish a valid claim

  • Be unemployed through no fault of your own

  • Be able to work, available for work, and looking for work​​
