You can use any
document from the following list.
Important: A Social
Security card will not satisfy this requirement.
W-2 from last year
A pay stub or
payment statement that shows:
An issue date within
12 months prior to the date your claim was filed
Your first name (or
initial) and last name
At least the last
four digits of your Social Security number or your employee identification
Your employer’s name
The pay period dates
or the date it was issued
Any bill or
financial statement showing your name and residence address
Utility bill
(electricity, gas, garbage, water, or sewer)
Cable TV or internet
Telephone bill
Bank statement
Property tax bill
Mortgage statement
Lease or rental
agreement showing your name and residence address
Registration for a
PO Box or private mailbox
Social Security
statement (all pages)
Notice to Third
Party of Social Security Number Assignments (SSA-7028)
Report of
Confidential Social Security Benefit Information (SSA-2458)
Official birth
certificate (with official translation, if any)
The upload can be
done on a computer with scanned documents or by mobile phone with document
Once you are ready
to upload, click the Document Upload link on the Home Screen.
Click 'Add
Document.' From the Document Type dropdown, select Identification
Documents. You can do this multiple times in order to submit the required
documents. Selecting the correct document type will expedite this process.