If You Are Unemployed

​​​​​​​​The Unemployment Insurance Process​


Complete the application on the UI Claims Portal, by phone at (502) 564-2900, or toll-free at 800-648-6057 for telecommunications relay service.

Online claims filing is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The claims assistance line is available 9:00AM – 5:00PM ET, Monday through Friday.

To avoid identity fraud, ONLY use ky.gov web addresses or (502) 564-2900 to file your claim and request benefits.

If you are not a member of a union with a hiring hall, part of a strike or lockout, in approved training, part of a workshare program, or do not have a definite return to work date with your most recent employer, you are REQUIRED to perform work search.

Knowingly providing false information or failing to provide information in order to obtain benefits is considered fraud. Falsification of information is punishable by fines and/or imprisonment under KRS 341.990.​

​The Office of Unemployment Insurance (OUI) will determine if you have a valid claim. 

To have a valid claim, the wages you earned during your base period* must meet the following requirements:
  1. You must have wages of at least $1,500 in at least one quarter;
  2. Wages during the base period must be at least 1.5 times the wages in your highest quarter;
  3. Total wages outside of the highest quarter must be at least $1,500; and
  4. Wages in the last two quarters must be at least eight times your weekly benefit rate.

*Your base period is the first four (4) of the last five (5) completed calendar quarters. The OUI does not count the current quarter, in which you’ve filed your claim. 

What is A Calendar Quarter?

The twelve months in a calendar year can be divided up into four separate time periods, or “quarters.” Just like four quarters make one dollar, four calendar quarters make one year. Each quarter is made up of three months. The quarters begin the first Sunday of each month (January, April, July, October).

The process starts over again for the next calendar year, beginning with Quarter 1.

If you file your claim any time in July, August, or September, you are filing within Quarter 3.
Example: Claim filed on September 30th is considered filed in Quarter 3. Claim begun on September​.

Access our Unemployment Insurance Benefits calculator here:

You will receive a letter in the mail that states the amount of your potential payments. This is the amount you could receive if you meet all qualification. The Monetary Determination letter is NOT a guarantee of benefits.​

Monetary Determination Example.pdf

Monetary Determination Example

If you file your claim by phone, you MUST be verified through ID.me prior to requesting your benefits.  Failure to do so may result in delay of benefit payment processing.​

For help with ID.me, please click here:  Help Form – Cannot sign in (id.me)

Request your first benefit payment at https://uiclaimsportal.ky.gov/s/.​  ​

Claimants who are exempt from the work search requirements (those who have a definite recall date within twelve (16) weeks of the initial claim filing, are in an approved training program, part of a workshare program, E-Claims, etc.) may choose to request benefits by phone at 502-564-2900​.  All claimants requesting benefits by phone must be ID.me verified. 

If there are no potentially disqualifying factors, OUI will generate payment to the method on file within two (2) to five (5) business days. 

If you have selected debit card as your payment method, and do not already have an OUI benefits debit card, your first payment will be issued via paper check. 


To receive benefits, you must certify that you have read the UI Claimant Guide (Rights and Responsibilities Pamphlet), available here.

Una version en espanol del documento esta disponible aqui.​

To be eligible for benefits, you must:

  • Be unemployed or working less than full-time

  • Have earned enough money in the base period to establish a valid claim

  • Be unemployed through no fault of your own

  • Be able to work, available for work, and actively looking for work​

Personal Information

  • Social Security OR Alien Registration Number

  • Date of Birth

  • Complete Mailing Address

  • Phone Number

Employer Information (For the last 18 months):

  • Business/Company Name

  • Business/Company Mailing Address

  • Business/Company Phone Number

  • Dates of Employment

  • The reason you are no longer working for EACH employer

Other Information You May Need

  • ​If you worked in other states: List of states in which you worked.

  • If you worked for a Temporary Agency: Name/Address of Temporary Agency.

  • If you worked for the Federal Government: Agency Name; Component name; Copy of your Standard Form (SF8, SF50).

  • If you were in the US Military: Copy of your DD214 Member 4.

  • If you worked through a skilled trade union: Name of contractor

ID.me Verification

The Kentucky Office of Unemployment Insurance verifies the identity of every Unemployment Insurance Claimant through ID.me, a third-party vendor. Every claimant must pass ID.me verification. Learn more about the ID.me verification process and get access to a number of helpful video tutorials by clicking here. ​​