You should bring all
reports and records that might prove your case, such as records of absences,
doctor's statements, information concerning pay rate, previous warnings, etc.
Witnesses should be prepared to answer all questions. Subpoenas for witnesses or
records may be issued prior to the hearings, if necessary.
Subpoenas: To
request to subpoena documents or witnesses, submit a sworn statement to the OUI
Appeals Branch indicating what documents or witnesses you are requesting be
subpoenaed. Provide contact information for witnesses, including phone number,
address, and an address where subpoenas for documents can be sent, if
different. You must also provide a statement as to why the witnesses or
documents are relevant to your case.
Process: If you are unavailable on the date of your scheduled hearing,
you may request that the hearing be continued to a later date. Provide a
written request to the OUI Appeals Branch either through email, fax, or the
United States Postal Service. The request should explain why you are
unavailable for the hearing and include your contact information. The
Office will contact you to discuss your request once it’s received.
process: To request an appeal by stipulation, submit a request to the OUI
Appeals Branch. Once your request has been received, a questionnaire will
be mailed to you to complete and return to the Office. The questionnaire
will be specific to the issue listed in the disqualifying
determination. OUI will review the returned questionnaire, and once the
review is complete, a referee decision will be written and will be mailed
out to the claimant.