Potential Eligibility for additional benefits through approved training programs.
According to Unemployment Insurance regulations, an individual may claim benefits while attending an approved training program. Approved training programs must meet certain standards under the law. Not all training programs are approved.
If you are in an approved training program, and you are making progress toward completing that program, you are potentially eligible for up to five (5) additional weeks of unemployment benefits*. The additional weeks of benefits you may receive depends on your claim's benefit year end (BYE) and how long your training approval lasts.
If you are attending school or training, contact your local Kentucky Career Center (KCC) office and request a training approval form. Complete the form and return it to the KCC office or the Office of Unemployment Insurance (OUI). The OUI will determine if your training is approved under the law. If approved, the OUI will contact the school or training program to check your progress.
Additional benefits cannot exceed 24 weeks in total.
*See House Bill 146 (KRS 341.385)