Make a Payment


​Individuals (Overpayments)

Individuals who receive benefit payments when they’re not eligible have an “overpayment.” These benefits must be repaid to OUI.​

To make a payment toward a claim overpayment balance, click on the button below:

Payment Method Options: Major Credit Card or ACH

To view your overpayment balance, click here​.

Log In to the unemployment insurance portal and navigate to your account summary.​

To navigate to your account summary, select "My Information" on the menu in the top right of the screen and then click "Claim Information".

You'll find your Overpayment status under the section "Overpayments" in the bottom left quadrant of the screen.

Employers (Employment Tax)

Eligible employers must pay their employment tax on a regular basis.

To make a payment toward unemployment taxes, click on the button below:

Payment Method Options: Major Credit Card or ACH​