UI FAQ Guide


​Q: What is the "Waiting Week?"

A: A claimant’s first payable week is the waiting week. Claimants request benefits for a two-week period, and if otherwise eligible, the first check will pay only one week of benefits. The waiting week does not affect the maximum benefit amount.

Q: What is the current UI benefit rate range?

A: Unemployment insurance claimants who filed applications for benefits before July 7, 2024, are eligible to receive between $39 (minimum) and $665 (maximum) in weekly benefits. Claimants filing a new application for benefits on or after July 7, 2024, are eligible to receive between $39 and $694 in weekly benefits.

Q: How long and how much money can a person draw in UI benefits?

A: The maximum amount of benefits payable to any worker within any benefit year is the lesser of:

26 times their weekly benefit rate; or

One-third of their base-period wages, except that no worker's maximum amount shall be less than 15 times their weekly benefit rate.

Q: What is the difference in how UI works here and in other states?

A: All states must conform to basic principles set forth in federal regulation, and while each state’s unemployment laws may differ somewhat, they are usually very similar.

Q: Can a person draw UI if they quit?

A: If a claimant has sufficient wage credits to establish a claim, they may be qualified to receive benefits if they voluntarily left employment with good cause attributable to the employment, and there are no other eligibility issues present.

Q: Can a person draw UI if they are fired?

A: If a claimant has sufficient wage credits to establish a claim, they may be qualified to receive benefits if they were discharged for reasons other than misconduct connected with the work, and there are no other eligibility issues present.​

Q: How does the Automated Benefits Exchange System (ABE) work?

A: The ABE System, often referred to as the VRU, uses a touch-tone telephone to allow a claimant to claim benefit weeks or request the status of their last week claimed. Benefits request is available on Sunday from 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. ET and Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m. The Last Week Claimed Inquiry is available Tuesday through Friday from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. The ABE system guides claimants through the step-by-step process. In most cases, a claimant will have three attempts to enter the correct information.​

​Q: How is the UI tax rate figured for my company?

A: While there are many variables in tax rate computation, the basic calculation is the balance of an employer’s tax reserve account, minus the amount of unemployment benefits paid by the employer. However, tax rates are not based solely on the reserve account balance. A reserve ratio is computed that compares the size of the balance to the size of the total amount of taxable wages reported by the employer during the 12 calendar quarters preceding the computation date. The rate is then determined from a schedule defined in statute and available on our website. Employers in the construction industry may have higher rates despite the reserve ratio and account balance.

Q: Can a person draw UI if they quit?

A: If a claimant has sufficient wage credits to establish a claim, they may be qualified to receive benefits if they voluntarily left employment with good cause attributable to the employment, and there are no other eligibility issues present.

Q: Can a person draw UI if they are fired?

A: If a claimant has sufficient wage credits to establish a claim, they may be qualified to receive benefits if they were discharged for reasons other than misconduct connected with the work, and there are no other eligibility issues present.

Q: How can a person draw UI from me when they were fired from another employer?

A: The most recent 10-week employer on the claim may be charged for benefits if the worker left employment under non-disqualifying conditions, or if the employer failed to file a timely protest to the initial claim.

Q: How can someone file for UI when there are help wanted signs everywhere?

A: An otherwise eligible claimant is entitled to receive benefits unless they are unable to perform suitable work, are unavailable for suitable work, or have refused suitable work. What constitutes “suitable work” is partially determined by examining the degree of risk involved to the worker’s health, safety, and morals; the worker’s experience and prior earnings; the length of the unemployment and prospects of securing local work in the customary occupation; and the distance of the work from the worker’s residence. Simply because there are plenty of available jobs does not mean that they are suitable for each claimant.

Q: If I fire an employee for absenteeism, is he or she eligible for UI benefits?

A: If an employee’s absences amount to misconduct connected with the work, they will be disqualified. Generally, good cause for missing work is not misconduct. Simple numbers of days or percentages of lost time cannot show a worker is guilty of misconduct.

Q: What do I do if I want to contest a claim?

A: File a written protest setting forth the reasons for separation within 10 days from the date the claim was filed.

Q: What do I do if I don’t want to contest a claim?

A: A lack of response suggests that you do not wish to protest. However, if an employee is separated for reasons other than lack of work, the agency must investigate and determine if the separation was for disqualifying or non-disqualifying reasons.

Q: Where can I get the UI tax ID number?

A: Click here (https://kewes.ky.gov) to apply for a UI tax ID number.  If you already have a number, you may email us at UItax@ky.gov​ or call us at (502) 564-2272 to retrieve the number.

Q: Why do you need the tax ID number?

A: An unemployment tax ID number is required so the Office of Unemployment Insurance can accurately credit tax payments and wage listings to employer accounts and keep track of benefits payments.

Q: May I participate in a hearing in person (not over phone)?

A: Yes, if an in-person hearing is warranted. This depends on the number of witnesses to testify, the complexity of the issue, and the distance that the participants have to travel.

Q: How do I report new hires?

A: You may mail your new hire report to:

The Kentucky New Hire Reporting Center
P.O. Box 1130
Richmond, VA 23218-1130

Fax reports to 1-800-817-0099 or 1-804-771-1908

You may call the Kentucky New Hire Reporting Center at 1-800-817-2262 or 1-804-771-9602 for any questions regarding the new hire law. Help Desk staff are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. ET.​

Am I required to register with ID.me?

  • Yes. You must verify your identity with ID.me to be eligible to receive Kentucky Unemployment Insurance benefits.​

How do I register with ID.me?

  • You can sign up for ID.me through the claims portal. Visit uiclaimsportal.ky.gov and click “sign in with ID.me.” Next, follow the onscreen instructions to register and verify your identity. If you already use ID.me for other websites or services, use your existing ID.me information to sign in.

How do I reset my ID.me password?

  • If you forget your ID.me password, you’ll need to reset your password on the official ID.me website. Visit www.id.me and click “sign in.” Next, click “Forgot password.” Follow the onscreen instructions to reset your password.​

Do I need to update my claim information?

  • It is important to keep your mailing address and other contact information up to date in case our agency needs to contact you, whether or not you are currently requesting payments. The United States Postal Service does not forward mail from state offices, even if you have provided a forwarding address.

How do I update my contact information?

  • Visit the claims portal at uiclaimsportal.ky.gov and sign in. Click “Personal information.” Follow the onscreen instructions to update your contact information.

How do I update incomplete or inaccurate information on my claim?

  • If you shared incomplete or inaccurate information, you’ll need to amend your claim. Contact our call center at 502-564-2900 and let one of our representatives know that some information is missing or incorrect on your claim. We will send an “Amend Claim” form to the email address we have on file. You must complete and return the form within ten days of the mail date. Your benefits may be delayed or denied if you don’t return the completed form within ten days.

How do I upload documents to my claim?

  • Visit the claims portal at uiclaimsportal.ky.gov and sign in. Next, click “Document Upload.” Follow the onscreen directions to be sure that your documents upload properly in the correct size and format. You may upload up to 5 documents at a time.​

My claim is in “fact finding.” What does that mean?

  • If your claim is in “fact finding,” this means that the agency is gathering information we will need before deciding if you are eligible. We will notify you once a decision is made. Please note that there is no way to speed up this process; claims are reviewed in the order they were received, oldest to newest.

My claim was disqualified. What are my next steps?

  • If you were disqualified, you have the right to appeal the decision. You must submit your appeal in writing within thirty (30) days of the mail date on the Notice of Determination. The appeal must include your name, the last four digits of your social security number, and your contact information. Appeals must be sent to the UI Appeals Branch. To send your appeal by email, send to UIappeals@ky.gov​. To send your appeal by mail, send to UI Appeals Branch, 500 Mero Street, 4th Floor, Frankfort, KY 40601. To submit your appeal by fax, send to 502-564-7850. Please continue to submit payment requests while your claim is under appeal. You will only be paid for eligible weeks that you properly claimed if your appeal is granted.​

​When do I file my bi-weekly benefits payment request?

  • It is your responsibility to request payment. Our system will provide a date for your first Payment Request, which will be exactly thirteen (13) days from your file date, coinciding with the end of the employer protest period. After this first request, you’ll request benefits every other Sunday. Our office needs your responses to assess your eligibility for each claimed week. Completing your Payment Request online keeps your claim active and informs our system that you are still unemployed.

The graphic below shows an example benefits timeline:​

​Why does my first check only pay one week of benefits? 

  • Your first check includes your “waiting week” as required by Kentucky Law. Benefits are not paid during the waiting week. The waiting week is always the first week that you request payment and does not count toward your total benefit weeks. 

When do I file my bi-weekly benefits payment request? 

  • You can request your first payment thirteen (13) days after you file your claim. After that, you can request payment thirteen (13) days after your most recent payment request.  To find your next payment date, log in to the claims portal at uiclaimsportal.ky.gov. Sign in and click “My Information.” Then click “Claim Information.” 

How do I change my payment method? 

  • Visit the claims portal at uiclaimsportal.ky.gov and sign in. Next, click “Personal Information” and “Update Payment Method;” follow the onscreen directions. 

My US Bank debit card was lost/stolen.  What are my next steps? 

How do I check the status of a benefit payment?

  • Visit the claims portal at uiclaimsportal.ky.gov and sign in. Click “My information,” then click “Claim Information.”  

How do I access my payment history?

  • Visit the claims portal at uiclaimsportal.ky.gov and sign in. Click “My information,” then click “Claim Information.”  

How do I repay an overpayment?

  • Make checks or money orders payable to the Kentucky UI Trust Fund. You can also make a secure payment online. To pay online, visit kcc.ky.gov. Then, click “Unemployment services” and select “Make a payment.” If you need to make repayment arrangements, please call the Benefits Payment Control office at 502-564-2387. ​

​I filed my claim late / forgot to request benefits.  What are my next steps?

  • In some cases, claims or payment requests may be backdated. To request backdating for your claim or payment request, please contact our call center at 502-564-2900, or your local Kentucky Career Center. Our representatives will send you an electronic backdating request form. You must complete and return this form within ten (10) days to place a backdating request. Your request will be approved if your responses on this form show good cause for backdating. We cannot guarantee that you will be paid for late claim filing or payment requests. 

Can my benefits be extended?

  • Regular unemployment insurance claims contain twelve (12) to twenty-four (24) weeks of benefits to be paid within one year of filing. In some cases, the state or federal government may extend these benefits or offer additional benefit programs. If extended or additional benefits programs become available while you are unemployed or otherwise eligible, our agency will post that information to our website or send you a notification of the program by mail. ​

What is a 1099-G?  

  • Form 1099-G is a tax document that lists all the benefit payments you received during a tax year. To view your 1099-G, visit uiclaimsportal.ky.gov and sign in. Click “My information,” then click “My 1099.”

Are benefits taxable?  How do I withhold tax from my benefits?  

  • Unemployment Insurance benefits are taxable income and must be reported. When filing your claim, you are given the option of withholding 4% for state taxes and 10% for federal taxes. This amount will be deducted from your weekly benefit amount if you choose to withhold taxes. Tax withholding is optional and can be changed once per benefit year. To review your tax withholding status, visit the claims portal at uiclaimsportal.ky.gov​ and log in. Then click “Withholding Status.”​

​Am I required to complete work search requirements?

  • Most claimants are required to look for work. You may be exempt from work search requirements if you are a member of a trade union that finds work for you, a student in approved training, are on a temporary leave of absence, if you have a definite recall date of within 16 weeks of your filing date, or if your employer filed a mass electronic claim on your behalf. If any of these apply to you, you will be prompted to provide documentation of your status when filing your claim. You will be subject to work search requirements if you do not provide documentation of your status.

What are work search activities?  

  • Claimants must report at least five (5) work search activities per week. At least three (3) of these must be job applications or interviews. You will not receive benefits for the week(s) claimed if you do not meet the work search requirements. More information can be found in the Claimant Guide at kcc.ky.gov. 

More information on work search is available here.​

How do I request benefits from an employer-filed E-Claim? 

  • The Division of Unemployment Insurance has two automated systems for your convenience.  You may request benefits online or by touch-tone phone.

  • The first step to requesting benefits is registering with ID.me. This registration will set your 8-digit PIN that you will use to log in.

  • Your payment method defaults to debit card for your security. If this is your first time requesting benefits, your initial payment will be issued via check to your address of record.  All following payments will be issued to your debit card unless the payment method is updated.  If you would like to enroll in direct deposit, do so prior to requesting your benefits.

  • You may request your benefits for the layoff week of the E-Claim online at the UI Claims Portal or call toll-free 1-877-369-5984 on Sunday (10:00AM – 9:00PM ET) or Monday thru Wednesday (7:00AM – 7:00PM ET).

  • You must read the UIClaimant Guide (Rights and Responsibilities Pamphlet).  If you have questions, please call the UI Assistance line at 502-564-2900.​

Don’t see what you’re looking for?​

Please review the Claimant Guide for all other questions.  Click here to access the Claimant Guide.