What is the Kentucky Work Share Program?
Effective Jan. 1, 2023, businesses can avoid layoffs during a financial downturn by temporarily using unemployment benefits to supplement pay for employees whose hours have been reduced from between 10% to 40%.
Employer Advantages
Reduce or eliminate layoffs
Keep valuable, skilled employees during downturns
Recover quickly as business returns to normal
Save time and expense of hiring, training new workers when business recovers
Lessen impact on employer reserve account during slowdowns
Provide flexibility during challenging economy
Employee Advantages
Keep same job and benefits
Receive partial unemployment benefits on reduced work hours
Avoid financial hardship of layoff or lost job
Reduce stress caused by instability of layoff
Avoid expense, time searching for new job
Receive weekly work share benefit
The Kentucky Work Share Program may help your business avoid layoffs and save money!
Click HERE to see how much you could save.
Follow this link to complete the UI Work Share Program Application
This form must be completed by employers on behalf of their business(es).
Email KYWorkShare@ky.gov if you have additional questions.