Unemployment Insurance
For more information about & to file for Unemployment Insurance,
click here
Apply Online
Website Hours:
Monday-Friday - 7 AM - 7 PM ET
Sunday - 10 AM - 9 PM ET
You can apply by calling 502-564-2900
Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., EST
Website: Monday - Friday from 7 a.m. - 7 p.m., EST
Sunday from 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. EST
You may also call toll-free 800-648-6057 for telecommunications relay service.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware of fake unemployment filing websites designed to steal your personal information or charge you a fee.
- Make sure you are on a “.ky.gov” website when filing a Kentucky unemployment insurance claim.
- KCC services are free.
- KCC will never charge a fee.
- Only trust unemployment insurance-related emails that are sent from an @ky.gov address. Example: Firstname.Lastname@ky.gov
To File Your Unemployment Insurance Claim You Will Need The Following
Personal Information
- Social Security OR Alien Registration Number
- Date of Birth
- Complete Mailing Address
- Phone Number
Employer Information (For the last 18 months):
- Business/Company Name
- Business/Company Mailing Address
- Business/Company Phone Number
- Dates of Employment
- The reason you are no longer working for EACH employer
Other Information You May Need
- If you worked in other states: List of states in which you worked.
- If you worked for a Temporary Agency: Name/Address of Temporary Agency.
- If you worked for the Federal Government: Agency Name; Component name; Copy of your Standard Form (SF8, SF50).
- If you were in the US Military: Copy of your DD214 Member 4.
- If you worked through a skilled trade union: Name of contractor
Are You Eligible?
If you are laid off due to the Coronavirus outbreak, you may be eligible for unemployment insurance.
Click on the link below to access the Weekly Unemployment Insurance Benefits Calculator
Unemployment Insurance Services