Council Membership Information


A majority of the Council members must be individuals with disabilities who meet the requirements of §361.5(c)(28) and are not employed by the designated State unit. While the OVR and SCVR may recommend applicants for appointment, the Governor of Kentucky makes final decisions on all appointments.​

Council Composition:
  • One (1) representative of the Statewide Independent Living Council who may be the chairperson or other designee of the Council;
  • One (1) representative of a parent training and information center established under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act;
  • One (1) representative of the Client Assistance Program;
  • One (1) representative of community rehabilitation program service providers;
  • Four (4) representatives of business, industry, and labor;
  • One (1) representative of a disability group that includes individuals with physical, cognitive, sensory, and mental disabilities who shall serve an initial term of two (2) years;
  • ​One (1) representative of a disability group that includes individuals with disabilities who have difficulty representing themselves or are unable due to their disabilities to represent themselves who shall serve an initial term of two (2) years;​
  • One (1) current or former applicants for, or recipients of, vocational rehabilitation services;
  • One (1) representative of the state educational agency responsible for the public education of students with disabilities;
  • One (1) representative from the Kentucky Workforce Innovation Board;
  • One (1) representative from the Kentucky Council for the Blind;
  • One (1) representative from the National Federation of the Blind from Kentucky;
  • One (1) representative from the Bluegrass Council of the Blind;
  • One (1) representative from the State Committee of Blind Vendors;
  • One (1) qualified vocational rehabilitation counselor with knowledge of and experience with vocational rehabilitation programs who serves as an ex officio, nonvoting  member of the council if employed by the designated state agency; and
  • Director of the designated State unit who shall serve as an ex officio, nonvoting member.

Council Members

Necholyia Wright, Chair
David Allgood, Vice-Chairperson
Todd Stephens, Member-At-Large
Cora McNabb, Executive Director of OVR
​Christopher White
Riki Danielle Burton
​Briana Sweatt
Mary Terlau
Allison Johnson
Johnny Collett
Jade Finley
Kellie Smith

If you are interested in learning more about the Statewide Council for Vocational Rehabilitation and how to apply to become a member of the Council, please contact:​

Vocational Rehabilitation Administrator
Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Mayo-Underwood Building
500 Mero Street
1st Floor SE
Frankfort, KY 40601

Additional Resources

SCVR Bylaws​​​

​​​​​​​​Need​ more help? Contact us

Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Central Office
Mayo-Underwood Building
500 Mero Street 4th Floor NE
Frankfort, KY 40601
800-372-7172 (V/TTY)

​More Information