Oct. 10, 2022
Attention UI Claimants:
Banks are closed today in observance of Columbus Day.
Claimants may experience a delay in unemployment insurance payments.
Oct. 3, 2022
Lee County residents: Deadline to apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance approaching
Reminder for those who live and/or work in Lee County who were affected by the storms and severe flooding: The last day to apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance is Monday, Oct. 10.
Sept. 26, 2022
Lee County residents: Deadline to apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance approaching. Deadline is Oct. 10.
Sept. 8, 2022
Disaster Unemployment Assistance Now Available for Those Impacted by the Severe Flooding in Lee County
FRANKFORT, Ky. (Sept. 8, 2022) – Today, Gov. Andy Beshear announced that the state is accepting applications for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) for Lee County, which was affected by July’s historic flooding in Eastern Kentucky.
Following Gov. Beshear’s request, President Joe Biden issued a Major Disaster Declaration on July 29, 2022, and an amendment on Sept. 2 designated Lee County for individual assistance, making the county eligible for DUA.
Affected individuals should visit the Kentucky Career Center website, kcc.ky.gov, or call 502.875.0442 to file their initial claim. The deadline to apply for assistance is Oct. 10.
Qualifying for DUA
In order to qualify for DUA benefits, claimants in eligible counties must show that their employment or self-employment was lost or interrupted as a direct result of the flooding that began July 26 and that they are not otherwise eligible for regular unemployment insurance (UI) benefits under state or federal law.
DUA is available to individuals who:
- Worked or were self-employed, or were scheduled to begin work or self-employment;
- Can no longer work or perform services because of physical damage or destruction to the place of employment as a direct result of a disaster, which can also include the physical inaccessibility of the place of employment due to its closure by the federal, state or local government in immediate response to the disaster;
- Establish that the work or self-employment they can no longer perform was their primary source of income;
- Do not qualify for regular UI benefits from any state;
- Cannot work or resume self-employment because of an injury as a direct result of the disaster; or
- As a result of the disaster, became the major support of a household because of the death of the head of the household.
Farmers and other self-employed individuals who are traditionally ineligible for UI benefits may qualify for DUA.
Updated information will be communicated on the Kentucky Career Center website and future press releases. Unemployment assistance is funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and benefits are not charged to employers.
Documentation Needed
To receive DUA benefits, the federal program requires individuals to provide documents, including a copy of their most recent federal or state income tax forms or check stubs, a bill showing their physical address at the time of the disaster and a photo ID.
The administration understands many claimants may not have these documents and is working to help individuals obtain new documents. Gov. Beshear previously announced that his administration is allowing flood victims in 13 Eastern Kentucky counties to replace lost driver’s licenses and other essential documents at no cost.
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet is also deploying driver licensing staff to take the full range of licensing services to flood-impacted areas. To find a location visit the Governor's flood resources website. All required documentation must be submitted within 21 days from the day the DUA application is filed.
The total number of counties eligible for Individual Assistance now stands at 13. Residents in Breathitt, Clay, Floyd, Knott, Leslie, Letcher, Magoffin, Martin, Owsley, Perry, Pike and Whitley counties were previously approved for DUA. For information on those announcements click here and here.
For more information about the disaster in Eastern Kentucky, visit https://governor.ky.gov/flood-resources.
Follow the Kentucky Career Center on Facebook and Twitter for all the latest updates.
Sept. 5, 2022
Reminder: Deadline for Disaster Unemployment Assistance is Sept. 6!
The deadline for Eastern Kentucky flood victims to file Disaster Unemployment Assistance claims is Tuesday, Sept. 6!
Aug. 29, 2022
DUA claimants - get help with applications at the following Eastern Kentucky locations this week
Aug. 19, 2022
Disaster Unemployment Assistance Call Center Hours Aug. 20-Aug. 21
Attention Eastern Kentucky flood victims:
The Kentucky Office of Unemployment Insurance call center for Disaster Unemployment Assistance claimants will be available from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 20 and Sunday, Aug. 21.
Flood victims in the 12 Eastern Kentucky counties approved for individual assistance can file a claim by phone at (502) 875-0442 or online 24/7 through the Kentucky Career Center website: https://kcc.ky.gov/Pages/index.aspx
Deadline to apply for benefits is Sept. 6, 2022.
Aug. 10, 2022
Important Reminder for Disaster Unemployment Assistance Claimants: Avoid Costly Overpayments - Provide Accurate Information!
Aug. 8, 2022
Kentucky OUI Deploys Borrowed Mobile Workforce Center to Help Kentuckians File Claims for DUA Benefits
The Kentucky Office of Unemployment Insurance has begun helping displaced Kentuckians at Jenny Wiley State Park in Prestonsburg apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance benefits, thanks to the use of a mobile workforce center on loan from the state of Louisiana.
Agency officials picked up the vehicle in Baton Rouge on Saturday from Louisiana UI officials who agreed to lend it and other supplies to the Commonwealth during the current state of emergency. The mobile workforce center opened at 1:30 p.m. today, and unemployment specialists are working one-on-one with claimants to help them file claims on site.
“The ability for us to go to people rather than people having to travel to the centers is invaluable at a time like this," Labor Cabinet Secretary Jamie Link said Monday. “This highlights how well interstate cooperation comes into play and states can all work together during an emergency."
Aug. 8, 2022
Reminder: Applicants must meet eligibility requirements to participate in Disaster Unemployment Assistance, traditional Unemployment Insurance programs
The Kentucky Office of Unemployment Insurance is reminding those who plan to file unemployment insurance or Disaster Unemployment Assistance claims that they must meet certain eligibility requirements.
Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)
Those who became unemployed or those who are self-employed and had work interrupted beginning July 26 as a direct result of the severe storms and flooding that occurred in 12 Eastern Kentucky counties that have been approved for individual assistance in the FEMA disaster declaration area are eligible to apply for DUA benefits.
Residents in the following counties are eligible for individual assistance and eligible to participate in the DUA program: Breathitt, Clay, Floyd, Knott, Leslie, Letcher, Magoffin, Martin, Owsley, Perry, Pike, and Whitley.
Kentucky OUI is responsible for making determinations of eligibility for individuals applying for DUA. For an individual to qualify for DUA, one of the following conditions of unemployment must have occurred as a direct result of the disaster:
The individual has had a week of unemployment following the date the disaster began.
The individual is unable to reach his/her place of employment.
The individual was scheduled to start work and the job no longer exists or the individual was unable to reach the job.
The individual became the major support because the head of household dies a direct result of the disaster.
The individual cannot work because of an injury caused as a direct result of the major disaster.
Also note: The work search and the waiting week requirements have been suspended for DUA claimants per an executive order signed by Gov. Andy Beshear on Friday, July 29, 2022.
Kentucky OUI has created a DUA Frequently Asked Questions document that contains much more information about the program. Claimants should also review the DUA Rights & Responsibilities document, also found on the KCC website.
Traditional unemployment insurance
Traditional unemployment insurance (UI) benefits are for individuals who are totally unemployed or who are working less than full time while looking for full-time work.
To claim benefits in Kentucky, you must have earned wages in Kentucky during your base period. If you have not worked in Kentucky in the last 18 months, you will need to apply in one of the states where you worked. You also cannot file for benefits in Kentucky if you have a valid claim in another state.
Benefits are paid to workers who are unemployed or underemployed through no fault of their own while they are attempting to return to the workforce. You must be able to work and available for work each week in order to receive benefits. You must also be making a reasonable effort to find new full-time work and provide details about your job search. For more information about traditional UI benefits, please see the UI FAQ document and Claimant Guide on the KCC website.
Aug. 6, 2022
Kentucky OUI Now Offering In-Person Assistance with DUA Claims at Two Eastern Kentucky Locations
Claimants who need help filing claims for Disaster Unemployment Assistance can now meet with unemployment insurance specialists at two Eastern Kentucky locations.
Beginning at noon today, claimants can receive help with applications at the Disaster Recover Center in Knott County, located in the Knott County Sportsplex, 450 Kenny Champion Loop in Leburn, Ky.
The agency began providing in-person assistance for DUA claimants Friday at the Disaster Recovery Center located at Oneida Elementary School, 435 Newfound Road in Clay County.
Hours of operation for help centers beginning Sunday, Aug. 7
- Sundays: 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.
- Monday-Friday: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
The agency will soon announce additional locations in the region where people can seek help as they become available. Claimants can read the DUA FAQs (https://bit.ly/3vFMwiH) document and the Disaster Unemployment Assistance Rights and Responsibilities document (https://bit.ly/3QqCbPo) for additional information about the program.
Claimants are not required to appear in person to file for benefits. Only DUA claims will be worked at these locations.
Aug. 6, 2022
Gov. Beshear: Residents in 5 Additional Counties Now Eligible for Individual Assistance and Disaster Unemployment Assistance
Leslie, Magoffin, Martin, Owsley and Whitley counties added; 12 counties total
FRANKFORT, Ky. (Aug. 6, 2022) – Gov. Andy Beshear announced today that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has approved Individual Assistance and Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) for Kentuckians in Leslie, Magoffin, Martin, Owsley and Whitley counties.
The move immediately makes assistance available to more Kentuckians who are hurting following the catastrophic floods that devastated the Eastern Kentucky region.
The total number of counties eligible for Individual Assistance now stands at 12. Residents in Breathitt, Clay, Floyd, Knott, Leslie, Letcher, Magoffin, Martin, Owsley, Perry, Pike and Whitley counties can submit a claim for DUA benefits online through the Kentucky Career Center website (kcc.ky.gov) or by phone at 502-875-0442.
The application deadline for all claimants has been extended until Sept. 6.
The Governor said during his briefing Thursday that he expected more counties to be cleared for Individual Assistance, as was the process when deadly tornadoes hit Western Kentucky in December.
“This is more good news for the residents in these counties, who can immediately begin applying for assistance," Gov. Beshear said. “While residents do not have to utilize in-person services, we are continuing to expand in-person services in affected counties to help claimants file for benefits."
This week the Governor said the Kentucky Office of Unemployment Insurance (OUI) had begun accepting DUA applications and launched the agency's first location in Eastern Kentucky where claimants can seek in-person help with the application process.
The agency began providing in-person assistance Friday for residents in Clay County at the Disaster Recovery Center, Oneida Elementary School, 435 Newfound Road in Oneida.
Also Friday, Gov. Beshear announced that OUI would begin providing in-person assistance Saturday, Aug. 6, at the Disaster Recovery Center in the Knott County Sportsplex, 450 Kenny Champion Loop #8765, Leburn, KY 41831.
Residents in both counties can get help with DUA claims between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and Sunday from 1 to 7 p.m.
The agency will soon announce additional locations in the region where people can seek help. The Governor noted Thursday that the state is working to quickly set up Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) locations in each of the counties that will provide many different types of help in one place.
Qualifying for DUA
In order to qualify for DUA benefits, claimants in eligible counties must show that their employment or self-employment was lost or interrupted as a direct result of the flooding that began July 26 and that they are not otherwise eligible for regular unemployment insurance (UI) benefits under state or federal law.
DUA is available to individuals who:
- Worked or were self-employed, or were scheduled to begin work or self-employment;
- Can no longer work or perform services because of physical damage or destruction to the place of employment as a direct result of a disaster, which can also include the physical inaccessibility of the place of employment due to its closure by the federal, state or local government in immediate response to the disaster;
- Establish that the work or self-employment they can no longer perform was their primary source of income;
- Do not qualify for regular UI benefits from any state;
- Cannot work or resume self-employment because of an injury as a direct result of the disaster; or
- As a result of the disaster, became the major support of a household because of the death of the head of the household.
Farmers and other self-employed individuals who are traditionally ineligible for UI benefits may qualify for DUA.
Documentation Needed
To receive DUA benefits, the federal program requires individuals to provide documents, including a copy of their most recent federal or state income tax forms or check stubs, a bill showing their physical address at the time of the disaster and a photo ID.
The administration understands many claimants will not have these documents and is working to help individuals obtain new documents. On Wednesday, Gov. Beshear announced that his administration is allowing flood victims in 13 Eastern Kentucky counties to replace lost driver's licenses and other essential documents at no cost.
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) is also deploying driver licensing staff to take the full range of licensing services to flood-impacted areas. To find a location visit the Governor's flood resources website. All required documentation must be submitted within 21 days from the day the DUA application is filed.
In-Person Assistance
If claimants need assistance, they should attend an in-person session at one of the following locations Monday, Aug. 8, 2022, through Friday, Aug. 12, 2022, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Breathitt County
421 Jett Drive, Jackson, KY 41339 -
Clay County
Oneida Elementary School, 435 Newfound Road, Oneida KY 40972 -
Knott County
Knott County Sportsplex, 450 Kenny Champion Loop #8765, Leburn KY 41831 -
Perry County
Hazard Community and Technical College, 1 Community College Drive, Hazard, KY 41701
Updated information will be communicated on the Kentucky Career Center website and future press releases. Unemployment assistance is funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and benefits are not charged to employers.
For more information about the disaster in Eastern Kentucky, visit governor.ky.gov/floodresources.
Aug. 4, 2022
Gov. Beshear: Disaster Unemployment Assistance Available for Those Impacted by Severe Storms, Flooding in Eastern Kentucky
FRANKFORT, Ky. (Aug. 4, 2022) – Today, Gov. Andy Beshear announced the state is accepting applications for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) from individuals significantly impacted by the severe storms and flooding in seven counties that have been approved for Individual Assistance through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): Breathitt, Clay, Floyd, Knott, Letcher, Perry and Pike.
The Governor expects more counties to be added, as was the process with December’s deadly tornadoes in Western Kentucky.
“These residents can begin applying immediately for Disaster Unemployment Assistance. That is good news,” Gov. Beshear said. “You do not need to be in person to file one of these claims, but we’re going to have staff in Clay County beginning at noon tomorrow, which is Friday, to help claimants file for benefits.”
The Governor noted the state is working to quickly set up one-stop locations in each of the counties that will provide many different types of help in one place.
In order to qualify for DUA benefits, claimants in eligible counties must show that their employment or self-employment was lost or interrupted as a direct result of the flooding that began July 26 and that they are not otherwise eligible for regular unemployment insurance (UI) benefits under state or federal law.
File a Claim
Affected individuals should visit the Kentucky Career Center website,
kcc.ky.gov, or call 502-875-0442 to file their initial claim. The deadline to apply for assistance is Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2022.
DUA is available to individuals who:
- Worked or were self-employed, or were scheduled to begin work or self-employment;
- Can no longer work or perform services because of physical damage or destruction to the place of employment as a direct result of a disaster, which can also include the physical inaccessibility of the place of employment due to its closure by the federal, state or local government in immediate response to the disaster;
- Establish that the work or self-employment they can no longer perform was their primary source of income;
- Do not qualify for regular UI benefits from any state;
- Cannot work or resume self-employment because of an injury as a direct result of the disaster; or
- As a result of the disaster, became the major support of a household because of the death of the head of the household.
- Farmers and other self-employed individuals who are traditionally ineligible for UI benefits may qualify for DUA.
Documentation Needed
To receive DUA benefits, the federal program requires individuals to provide documents, including a copy of their most recent federal or state income tax forms or check stubs, a bill showing their physical address at the time of the disaster and a photo ID. The administration understands many claimants will not have these documents and is working to help individuals obtain new documents. On Wednesday, Gov. Beshear announced that his administration is allowing flood victims in 13 Eastern Kentucky counties to replace lost driver’s licenses and other essential documents at no cost. The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) is also deploying driver licensing staff to take the full range of licensing services to flood-impacted areas. To find a location
visit the Governor’s flood resources website. All required documentation must be submitted within 21 days from the day the DUA application is filed.
In-Person Assistance
After claimants apply for UI benefits, they should attend an in-person session at one of the following locations Monday, Aug. 8, 2022, through Friday, Aug. 12, 2022, between the hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
- Breathitt County
421 Jett Drive, Jackson KY 41339
- Clay County
Oneida Elementary School,435 Newfound Road, Oneida KY 40972
- Knott County
Knott County Sportsplex, 450 Kenny Champion Loop #8765, Leburn KY 41831
- Letcher County
Letcher County Recreation Center, 1505 Jenkins Road, Whitesburg KY 41858
- Perry County
Hazard Community and Technical College, 1 Community College Drive, Hazard KY 41701
- Pike County
Old Grocery Store, 15308 U.S. Highway 23, South Jenkins KY 41537
- Floyd County
Floyd County Community Center, 9188 KY Highway 80, Langley KY 41645
Updated information will be communicated on the Kentucky Career Center website and future press releases with detailed information. Unemployment assistance is funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and benefits are not charged to employers.
Aug. 3, 2022
Important information for residents in Breathitt, Clay, Floyd, Knott, Letcher, Perry, and Pike counties
Residents living in any of the seven Eastern Kentucky counties approved for individual assistance who plan to file a claim for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) benefits should first file a traditional unemployment insurance claim. Federal rules require all DUA claimants first complete an application for traditional unemployment insurance. You can get started on your claim today!
Visit the Kentucky Career Center website
Click the Unemployment Services menu
Select “File or Access Your Claim"
Complete the ID.me identity verification process.
Learn more about the DUA program by reading the DUA Frequently Asked Questions document on the KCC website:
For additional information about the documentation needed to complete the ID.me verification process, please visit this KCC webpage:
Aug. 3, 2022
Status update on the Kentucy Career Center Hazard
The Kentucky Career Center regional office in Hazard has resumed operations following a planned power outage (11:25 a.m. EST).
Aug. 3, 2022
Status update on the Kentucky Career Center Hazard
The Kentucky Career Center regional office in Hazard has resumed operations following a planned power outage (11:25 a.m. EST).
Aug. 3, 2022
Update on Kentucky Career Center Regional Office in Hazard
The Kentucky Career Center regional office in Hazard is temporarily closed due to a planned power outage. Please continue to check this website and KCC social media pages (Facebook, Twitter) for the latest. Job seekers and those needing career service assistance can visit KCC regional offices in Morehead, Prestonsburg and Ashland:
1225 US 60W, Suite 106
686 N Lake Drive
1844 Carter Ave
Those needing assistance with existing UI claims can contact the Kentucky Career Center hotline at (502) 564-2900 to speak with a UI representative, or schedule a phone or in-person appointment at any KCC regional office.
Aug. 2, 2022
Disaster Unemployment Assistance FAQs
The Kentucky Office of Unemployment Insurance has created a resourceful guide detailing information about the Disaster Unemployment Assistance program.
The guide can provide answers to many frequently asked questions and can provide helpful insight into ID.me verification process.
Find it here:
July 31, 2022
Storm Issues Halt Career Services at Hazard KCC Office
Beginning tomorrow, Aug. 1, career services will be unavailable at the Kentucky Career Center in Hazard due to storm-related issues. Job seekers needing career services may visit the Kentucky Career Center office in Morehead, located at 1225 US 60W, Suite 106, or receive career assistance by dialing (606) 783-8525.
July 29, 2022
Follow kcc.ky.gov and our social media for the latest on relief efforts
The Kentucky Office of Unemployment Insurance is working on relief efforts to help those impacted by flooding in Eastern Kentucky. Please continue to check this website (
kcc.ky.gov) and our social media pages for the latest information as it becomes available:
July 13, 2022
UI Claimants: Don’t fall prey to phishing scams!
If you find a suspicious message in your email or texts requesting information or money, it may be a phishing scam.
Criminals troll for personal information every day using various means of subterfuge to fool you into handing over money and/or personal data.
Don't let them take advantage of you! Learn to recognize and protect yourself from a phishing attack! The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has a great educational resource about phishing available online
June 20, 2022
Attention UI Claimants:
In observance of the Juneteeth federal holiday, banks are closed and UI payments may be delayed.
June 9, 2022
Attention Disaster Unemployment Insurance (DUA) claimants:
Please be advised that week ending June 11, 2022 is the last payable week for disaster unemployment insurance claims. You must submit your final request for benefits (via email) to the Kentucky Office of Unemployment Insurance DUA Unit no later than June 22, 2022. If you have additional questions regarding this notice, please contact (502)564-2900 or contact your nearest Kentucky Career Center.
May 27, 2022
Attention UI Claimants:
Due to the observance of the Memorial Day holiday, unemployment insurance benefit payments may be delayed.
May 2, 2022
U.S. Bank ReliaCard Brochure
Download the U.S. Bank ReliaCard brochure for insights and helpful information about the card!

en español
March 25, 2022
Employers: Important information about KY unemployment tax changes for 2022
During the 2022 Legislative Session, the Kentucky General Assembly passed House Bill 144 which was signed into law by Governor Beshear on March 24, 2022. This legislation resulted in the following changes affecting your Unemployment Insurance Reserve Account:
Amended KRS 341.030(7) to suspend the taxable wage base increase for calendar year 2022 and to utilize the same taxable wage base as 2020.
- Amended KRS 341.270(3) to provide that, for calendar year 2022 the employer contribution rate schedule will be determined by the rates set forth in “Schedule A” of “Table A” of KRS 341.270(4).
- Amended KRS 341.614 to provide there would be no unemployment administration account surcharge assessment for calendar year 2022.
Very soon, we will be mailing an “Amended 2022 Contribution Rate Notice” which will reflect the change of your contribution rate based on “Schedule A” of “Table A” of KRS 341.270(4). In addition, the taxable wage base for calendar year 2022 will remain at $10,800 per worker.
Please ensure to make these adjustments before filing your 1st quarter of 2022 Quarterly Unemployment Wage and Tax Report which is due on or before May 2, 2022.
For more information concerning your unemployment reserve account, please visit: https://kewes.ky.gov/.
March 18, 2022
SIDES E-Response Outage Announcement
SIDES E-Response will be unavailable on Wednesday, March 23, 2022, from 2:00 – 6:30 p.m. ET as we update the system. Plan your work in the system accordingly to ensure you respond on time.
What’s Coming with the new system:
- Fraud indicators alert the state that immediate action is needed
- Intuitive flows with dynamic questions specifically related to the separation reason
- Process to collect employment details from temporary staffing agencies, including questions about recent job assignments, contacting the staffing agency for further work, and refusal of a new assignment
- Ability to upload supporting information documentation in relevant areas
For assistance with site access and login issues, please contact UI Tax Enforcement Branch at uitax@ky.gov.
March 14, 2022
Attention UI Claimants:
If you requested benefit payments on Sunday, March 13, a technical issue occurred with the UI system. Unemployment insurance claimants might experience a delay in receiving benefit payments.
Feb. 3, 2022
U.S. Bank ReliaCard production delays reported due to winter storms
Kentucky unemployment insurance claimants opting to receive UI benefits via U.S. Bank ReliaCard could experience a delay in receiving their card in the mail. The bank’s card vendor is currently experiencing production delays as a result of powerful winter storms affecting production and shipping.
Jan. 28, 2022
1099 Frequently Asked Questions
Incorrect amounts reported on your 1099-G form?
Did you receive a 1099-G from the Kentucky Office of Unemployment Insurance for calendar year 2021 although you never filed for benefits?
Find the answers to these questions and others in the 1099-G Frequently Asked Questions document.
Jan. 21, 2022
1099s Now Available Online!
Effective immediately, unemployment insurance claimants can access 1099s for calendar year 2021 through the UI Web portal.
All UI claimants who received benefits in calendar year 2021 will receive a 1099 from the Kentucky Office of Unemployment Insurance via U.S. mail, although some could experience a delay as a result of an envelope shortage. The agency has asked the Internal Revenue Service for a 30-day extension to mail all forms.
In the meantime, those who wish to expedite tax preparation can get started by visiting the Kentucky Career Center website: kcc.ky.gov.
- Click on 'Unemployment Services' and select 'File or Access your Claim' from the drop-down menu.
- Click on the green 'Sign in with ID.Me' button. If you have not previously verified, complete the verification process.
- Once logged into your online account, click on the “Request User Login Verification Code" button to send a code to your email address on file. This code is good for 15 minutes only.
- Click on the 'File New Claim / View 1099 Tax Document' button on the main page.
- Log in to your unemployment insurance account.
- Click on the 'My 1099' link located at the top of the page.
You will have the option to download or view the document.
Please note: The 1099 contains personal information including your Social Security number. If you use a computer designated for public use at public libraries or Kentucky Career Centers, it is advised that you only view and print the document and not download it to the computer. Please make sure to close the Internet browser when you are finished.
Jan. 18, 2022
Updated information about disaster unemployment insurance help through Jan. 28

en español:
Jan. 10, 2022
Important message about 1099 tax forms
The Kentucky Office of Unemployment Insurance is working to make 1099 tax forms for calendar year 2021 available online prior to Jan. 31. Information regarding 1099 forms is not available at this time. The Kentucky Career Center website and social media channels will have updated information about 1099s available soon.
Jan. 7, 2022
Deadline extended for storm victims in 16 Ky. counties to apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance

U.S. DOL grants OUI request for additional time to help disadvantaged Kentuckians file for benefits
FRANKFORT, Ky. (Jan. 7, 2022) — Storm victims in 16 Kentucky counties now have until Jan. 28 to apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance, the Kentucky Office of Unemployment Insurance announced today.
The agency received approval from the U.S. Department of Labor on Friday to extend the deadline for individuals impacted by the storms that occurred overnight on Dec. 10 to apply for DUA benefits.
Individuals in the following 16 Kentucky counties who wish to apply for DUA benefits must submit an application to OUI no later than Jan. 28: Barren, Caldwell, Christian, Fulton, Graves, Hart, Hickman, Hopkins, Logan, Lyon, Marion, Marshall, Muhlenberg, Ohio, Taylor, and Warren.
Individuals are eligible to apply for DUA if they became unemployed as a direct result of the severe storms, straight-line winds, flooding and tornadoes. Those who are self-employed and had work interrupted in any of those counties as a result of the storms are also eligible to apply for DUA.
Following Gov. Beshear’s request, President Joe Biden issued a Major Disaster Declaration on Dec. 12, 2021, that led to 14 Kentucky counties becoming eligible for DUA. Barren and Marion counties later became eligible on Dec. 22 and Dec. 24, respectively.
The governor signed an Executive Order on Dec. 28 temporarily suspending the work search requirement and the waiting week period for unemployment insurance (UI) and DUA claimants.
Claimants who are unemployed as a result of the severe weather who work or live in the 16 counties included in the FEMA major disaster declaration will not be required to search for work or wait for benefits for their first eligible week. That only includes claims that began on or after Dec. 10 and only in those counties.
In order to qualify for DUA benefits, claimants in those eligible counties must show that their employment or self-employment was lost or interrupted as a direct result of the disaster and that they are not otherwise eligible for traditional unemployment insurance benefits under state or federal law.
Farmers and other self-employed individuals who are traditionally ineligible for UI benefits may qualify for DUA.
The federal program requires individuals to provide a copy of their most recent federal income tax forms or check stubs, a bill showing their physical address at the time of the disaster and a photo ID to receive DUA benefits. All required documentation must be submitted within 21 days from the day the DUA application is filed.
Gov. Beshear has directed that the cost be waived for replacement driver’s licenses and state IDs for those affected by the storms, and the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet has set up temporary locations in the impacted region. KYTC temporary locations can be found under the “Driver’s Licensing – Replacement Paperwork” tab at https://governor.ky.gov/tornadoresources.
Affected individuals should visit the Kentucky Career Center website, kcc.ky.gov or call 502.875.0442 to file their initial claim. If individuals lack access to the necessary technology or Internet access, OUI will be offering in-person assistance at two locations Jan. 11 through Jan. 14:
262 Scottsville Road, Bowling Green, KY 42101 (The old Sears store in the Greenwood Mall): 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Jan. 11 through Jan. 13; 8 a.m. until noon on Jan. 14.
351 Charles Drive, Mayfield, KY 42066: 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Jan. 11 through Jan. 13; 8 a.m. until noon on Jan. 14.
Disaster Unemployment Assistance is funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and benefits are not charged to employers.
For updated information about DUA, please visit the Kentucky Career Center website. Additional resources and information about the disaster in Western Kentucky:
January 7, 2022
Updated locations for Disaster Unemployment Assistance help
Disaster Unemployment Assistance Available for Those Impacted by the Severe Storms, Straight-line Winds, Flooding and Tornadoes
FRANKFORT, Ky. (Dec. 28, 2021) — Gov. Andy Beshear announced Monday that, as a result of Presidential Disaster Declaration FEMA 4630 Amendments No. 2 and No. 3, the state is accepting applications for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) for Barren and Marion counties, which were hit hard by severe storms, straight-line winds, flooding and tornadoes and are now approved for individual assistance.
Individuals who became unemployed or those who are self-employed and had work interrupted in these two counties as a direct result of the severe storms, straight-line winds, flooding and tornadoes overnight on Dec. 10, 2021, are eligible to apply for DUA benefits through the Kentucky Office of Unemployment Insurance.
DUA is available to individuals who:
Worked or were self-employed, or were scheduled to begin work or self-employment;
Can no longer work or perform services because of physical damage or destruction to the place of employment as a direct result of a disaster, which can also include the physical inaccessibility of the place of employment due to its closure by the federal, state or local government in immediate response to the disaster;
Establish that the work or self-employment they can no longer perform was their primary source of income;
Do not qualify for regular unemployment insurance benefits from any state;
Cannot work or resume self-employment because of an injury as a direct result of the disaster; or
Became the breadwinner or major support of a household because of the death of the head of the household.
Following Gov. Beshear’s request, President Joe Biden issued a Major Disaster Declaration on Dec. 12, 2021, that designated 14 Kentucky counties for individual assistance. The President issued Amendment No. 2 on Dec. 22 to include Barren County and Amendment No. 3 on Dec. 24 to include Marion County.
In order to qualify for DUA benefits, claimants in eligible counties must show that their employment or self-employment was lost or interrupted as a direct result of the disaster and that they are not otherwise eligible for regular unemployment insurance (UI) benefits under state or federal law. Farmers and other self-employed individuals who are traditionally ineligible for UI benefits may qualify for DUA. The federal program requires individuals to provide documents, including a copy of their most recent Federal income tax forms or check stubs, a bill showing their physical address at the time of the disaster and a photo ID, to receive DUA benefits. The administration understands many claimants will not have these documents and will be working to help them obtain new documents. All required documentation must be submitted within 21 days from the day the DUA application is filed.
Affected individuals should visit the Kentucky Career Center website, kcc.ky.gov or call 502.875.0442 to file their initial claim. The deadline to apply for assistance for claimants in Barren and Marion counties is January 27, 2021.
After claimants apply for UI benefits, they may attend an in-person session at one of the following locations (updated Jan. 7, 2022):
Jan. 11 through Jan. 14 2022
Bowling Green
Greenwood Shopping Mall (old Sears’s store)
262 Scottsville Rd., Bowling Green KY 42101
351 Charles Drive
Mayfield, KY 42066
Hours for both locations:
Bowling Green: 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Jan. 11 through Jan. 13; 8 a.m. until noon on Jan. 14.
Mayfield: 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Jan. 11 through Jan. 13; 8 a.m. until noon on Jan. 14.
Kentucky Career Center locations can also assist with DUA applications.
As a reminder the Dec. 27 announcement about DUA can be found here: Gov. Beshear Update of Storm Response.
Updated information will be communicated on the Kentucky Career Center website and future press releases with detailed information.
Unemployment assistance is funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and benefits are not charged to employers.
For more information about the disaster in Western Kentucky:
Governor's Office
Kentucky Division of Emergency Management
Follow the Kentucky Career Center on Facebook and Twitter for all the latest updates.
Jan. 5, 2022
Important information from ID.me
On behalf of ID.me, our sincerest thoughts and condolences are with residents of Kentucky who have been impacted by the recent tornadoes and extreme weather events causing the loss of lives, severe damage, and displacement of people in their communities.
Unfortunately, international and domestic criminals often exploit disaster response efforts to steal civilian relief funding at the cost of those who are truly in need. After previous natural disasters, the Justice Department has repeatedly found and charged individuals for
committing disaster assistance fraud.
Our goal at ID.me is to prevent and stop this theft and continue to support our fellow Americans that are seeking government assistance. We have partnered with the Kentucky Office of Unemployment Insurance (OUI) to simplify the verification process and curb the criminals seeking to take advantage of such a terrible loss. All claimants filing for Kentucky unemployment assistance will be prioritized. Our team is working around the clock to escalate claimants and provide speedy responses to requests.
If claimants are verifying online, they will pass through ID.me’s automated system in just a few minutes using a computer, phone, and a few pieces of documentation. If claimants are not able to complete the verification process due to an issue with documentation,
claimants will have the opportunity for a face-to-face video chat to verify their identity by speaking with a trained agent, utilizing live video from their mobile phone or computer webcam. They will need to show their
identity documents to a Trusted Referee along with a selfie to complete verification.
New dates and times!
Updated Jan. 7, 2022
If individuals don’t have access to the necessary technology or Internet access, Kentucky OUI will provide in-person assistance at two locations Jan. 11 through Jan. 14:
- 262 Scottsville Road, Bowling Green, KY 42101 (The old Sears store in the Greenwood Mall)
- 351 Charles Drive, Mayfield, KY 42066
Hours for both locations:
- Bowling Green: 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Jan. 11 through Jan. 13; 8 a.m. until noon on Jan. 14.
- Mayfield: 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Jan. 11 through Jan. 13; 8 a.m. until noon on Jan. 14.
For more information about filing for unemployment with Kentucky OUI:
Jan. 1, 2022Upcoming Holiday Office Closures
Due to the upcoming state holidays in 2022, the Kentucky Office of Unemployment Insurance will be closed on the following days. Banks may also be closed which could delay UI benefit deposits.
- Monday, January 17 - Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday
- One-half day, Friday, April 15 - Good Friday
- Monday, May 30 - Memorial Day
- Monday, July 4 - Independence Day
- Monday, September 5 - Labor Day
- Friday, November 11 - Veterans Day
- Thursday & Friday, November 24-25 - Thanksgiving
- Friday & Monday, December 23, 26 - Christmas
- Friday & Monday, December 30, January 2 - New Year's