Grants Management and System Support Branch Staff


 Grants Management and System Support Branch Staff

Branch Staff
  • Portrait of Edward Monheimer.

    Edward Monheimer - Branch Manager (Frankfort Location)

    Provides supervision and oversight to the Grants Management and System Support Branch.

  • Portrait of Whitney Marcum.

    Whitney Marcum - Administrative Specialist (Frankfort Location)

    Provides support to the Grants Management Section, assistance with authorization, and contact for agency Background Checks.

Grants Management Section Staff
  • blank image with text reading "Photo Coming Soon".

    Vacant - Grants Management Section Supervisor

    Provides supervision and oversight to the Grants Management Section.

  • Portrait of Jacob Estep.

    Jacob Estep - Grants Administrator (Frankfort Location)

    Provides oversight to Service Fee Memorandum development, update, implementation, and distribution, establishes fees for services, establish and update the cost of attendance rates, vendor setup, approval, and maintenance, review and approve training programs, establish fee rates for medical services as needed. Validation listing when needed.

  • Portrait of Masayo Hill.

    Masayo Hill - Grants Administrator (Frankfort Location)

    Oversees contracts development and financial management oversight, consumer payments, vendor debarment, financial reimbursements, and procurement.

  • Portrait of Haley Gossett.

    Haley Gossett - Grants Administrator (Frankfort Location)

    Oversees contract monitoring, site monitoring, and financial reimbursement related to Pre-employment Transition Services, Community Work-Based Transition Services, and Subminimum Wage (511) requirements monitoring, Authorizations.

  • Portrait of David Jansen.

    David Jansen - Budget Specialist (Frankfort Location)

    Oversees prior approval, the procurement process of consumer and employee needs through Costing Back Authorizations in CMS, oversees inventory, and processes authorizations and reimbursements.

Support Section Staff
  • Portrait of Jessica Bailey.

    Jessica Bailey - Support Section Supervisor (Frankfort Location)

    Provides supervision and oversight to the Support Section.

  • Portrait of Lindsey Ballard.

    Lindsey Ballard - Resource Management Analyst (Frankfort Location)

    Serves as liaison for technical reviews, upgrades, change requests and other improvements to agency Case Management System (CMS). Provides federal reports to Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA). Coordinates with partner agency to obtain UI Wage records needed for tracking and reporting. Imports Medical Service Code descriptions and allowable amounts into CMS. Completes data reports. RSA-ETA 9169 report. CMS/EBI testing.

  • Portrait of Page Butler.

    Page Butler - Resource Management Analyst (Danville Location)

    Oversees Semi-Autonomous Rehab Assistant (SARA), onboarding and off-boarding of staff, staff technology needs, agency technology needs, Commonwealth Office of Technology billing, archiving, scanning, and copier needs.

  • Portrait of Deborah Mazurek.

    Deborah Mazurek - Resource Management Analyst (Danville Location)

    Responsible for Case Management System (CMS) - Maximus Module, (Social Security). CMS changes, CMS-SSR Module, RSA-911 changes and reports, Wage Records, Wage Universe, monthly reports.

  • Portrait of Kari Skaggs.

    Kari Skaggs - Resource Management Analyst (Frankfort Location)

    Provides CMS support to all staff, coordinates efforts on agency, departmental, and cabinet level to design, maintain, and enhance data collection, and reporting for the CMS system across all programs. Coordinates data collection needs and internal reporting and analysis reporting. Creates, reviews and distributes from CMS, and WEBI. Serves as backup for importing medical service codes, descriptions, and allowable amounts into CMS. Serves as a resource with COT and OTS for OVR IT and system requirement program needs.

  • Portrait of Kathy Long.

    Kathy Long - Resource Management Analyst (Danville Location)

    Provides oversight and assistance to Pre-ETS, EBI/Crystal Reports and data requests/needs, IL/OIB reports, contact for requests for training related to CMS and EBI/Crystal, oversees updates to the CMS training manual, oversees CWTP changes, and assists with CMS testing changes as needed.

  • Portrait of Austin Howard.

    Austin Howard - Resource Management Analyst (Frankfort Location)

    Assists with the EBI system. Responsible for reporting requirements using the reporting tools, responsible for federal, state, or agency reports, assists with RRO and CMS records retention, assists with data needs in CMS, including data clean up, and change requests.

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Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Central Office
Mayo-Underwood Building
500 Mero Street 4th Floor NE
Frankfort, KY 40601
800-372-7172 (V/TTY)

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