English as an Additional Language (EAL) Resources

​​​The following are resources for staff and consumers to increase the provision of services to consumers who are limited in their ability to speak English.  

Under the category headings, resources available in all counties are listed first, followed by geographically limited resources.  

If you have a question about one of the resources listed here, or if you would like to add a resource to this page, please contact Chris Sheetinger at 502-782-3458.  

Your feedback to increase the effectiveness of this resource page is greatly appreciated.  
  • Education (EAL)

    • Murray State University​
      Phone:  +1  270 809 3265
      Email: msu.esl@murraystate.edu 

      The EAL Program at Murray State University emphasizes language proficiency in all skill and knowledge areas (speaking, listening, writing, reading, and grammar) and provides students with an overview of American culture.

      Information on the EAL curriculum can be found at your left side column. Our typical student has completed secondary school at home and is preparing to enter college.

      The average EAL class size is around 15 students, making it possible for students to receive personal attention from the instructors - an environment well-suited for student success.

    • Kentucky Adult Education, All counties
      • ​ESL instruction is provided to adults who want to become more fluent in English, pass U.S. citizenship tests and work on job-seeking skills.  English language/civics programs in targeted counties help students acquire the skills and knowledge to become U.S. citizens.​
    • Jefferson County Public Schools Adult Basic Education, Louisville, KY
      • ESL classes are free.​
      • (502) 485-3400
    • Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Lexington , KY
    • Maxwell Street Legal Clinic​, Lexington, KY
      • Maxwell Street Legal Clinic is excited to offer EAL classes on an ongoing basis to our clients and other community members interested in improving their English language skills. This is especially important for people who wish to become U.S. citizens because citizenship applicants must pass an exam in English in order to qualify for citizenship.
      • (859)233-3840, Zach Shultz
    • Lexington Public Library Village Branch , Lexington, KY'
      • Completely bilingual staff (Spanish and English) offers EAL class and a changing schedule of other programs including cooking classes and tax preparation.
      • ​(859) 231-5500
      • ​2185 Versailles Road, Lexington, KY 40504
    • ​Centre for English as a Second Language, University of Kentucky: Lexington, KY​​
      • ​859-257-7003
      • ​​​Our Intensive English Programme (IEP) is designed to improve the English language competency of speakers of other languages for educational, business, social, or other purposes. Our classes introduce students to U.S. and academic culture and to formal and informal English language skills.  Our Semi-Intensive English Programme is intended to improve the general language skills of non-native speakers of English and will focus on listening, speaking, reading, and grammar.  Who participates? Non-native speakers of English of all proficiency levels may attend this program, and it is designed for participants who are already in the United States. 
  • Healthcare

    • Cabinet for Health and Family Services, All counties
      • Time-Limited Medicaid
        • Time-limited Medicaid helps people who qualify for Medicaid in every other way but their immigration status: children and their parents (or other relatives who take care of them); pregnant women; the elderly and people with disabilities
    • Cabinet for Health and Family Services
      • Disproportionate Share Hospital Program (DSH)
        • DSH helps people who don’t qualify for Medicaid or Kentucky Children’s Health Insurance Program (KCHIP), especially working adults without children in the home.  You do not have to be a citizen or have immigration papers. You just have to be a resident of Kentucky.  DSH only covers the hospital bill. It won’t cover your doctors’ charges if they are separate from the hospital bill.  It also won’t cover drugs or doctor visits after you go home.  Your yearly income must be below the federal poverty line for your family size.
    • Lexington-Fayette County Health Department, Lexington, KY
      • The public health provider employs some bilingual staff and provides an interpreter when bilingual staff are not available.  FCHD provides medical and mental health services.   Fayette County Health Department is an OVR vendor.
      • (859) 288-2483
    • ​Bluegrass Community Health Center, Lexington, KY
      • Bluegrass Community Health Center clinic locations provide complete, bilingual, medical care to adults and children, including counseling services, women's health and well child visits. BCHC accepts Medicaid, Medicare, TRICARE, Anthem, Humana, Aetna and other insurances. Uninsured patients may be eligible to receive a discount based on household income.   BCHC is an OVR vendor.
      • ​151 N. Eagle Creek Dr.  Suite 220 Lexington, KY 40509, (859) 263-2507 
      • 1306 Versailles Rd. Suite 120 Lexington, KY 40504, (859) 259-2635
    • Bluegrass Community Health Center​​, Lexington, KY
      • Bluegrass Community Health Center clinic locations provide complete medical care to adults and children, including counseling services, women's health and well child visits. BCHC accepts Medicaid, Medicare, TRICARE, Anthem, Humana, Aetna and other insurances. Uninsured patients may be eligible to receive a discount based on household income.   BCHC is an OVR vendor. 
      • 151 N. Eagle Creek Dr.  Suite 220 Lexington, KY 40509, (859) 263-2507 
      • 1306 Versailles Rd. Suite 120 Lexington, KY 40504, (859) 259-2635
  • ​Homelessness

    • Hope Center - Hispanic Program, Lexington, KY​
      • The bilingual coordinator of the program provides a wide variety of services including help in finding full-time or part-time jobs and appropriate social services; assistance with immigration issues; referral to other community resources; general counseling regarding personal, social, legal and cultural challenges; and classes in English as a second language.
      • (859) 252-7881, Erica Shanchez
  • Human Trafficking

    • Kentucky Rescue and Restore Victims of Human Trafficking​​, All counties
      • If you suspect human trafficking, call the number above to reach the National Human Trafficking Resource Center.  They will walk you and the consumer through the next steps.  Rescue and Restore provides training and resources to professionals who might encounter human trafficking.   
      • (888) 373-7888
    • Ampersand Sexual Violence Resources Center of the Bluegrass (Formerly Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center -BRCC)​, Georgetown, Winchester, Richmond, Frankfort, Nicholasville, and Danville
      • Victims of Human Trafficking can receive: Case management services; Assistance accessing various services such as: Housing, food, clothing, medical care, other needed services; Language interpretation counseling services; Crisis counseling and therapy; Legal advocacy; Assistance with accessing legal services including immigration relief for eligible victims of human trafficking; Assistance in reporting a crime to the police, obtaining a protective order, and safety planning; Life-skill education and after-care services; Referrals to English classes, employment assistance, and long-term counseling needs
      • (800)656-HOPE (4673)
        • BRCC Georgetown, KY
          • P.O. Box 1243, Georgetown, KY 40324, (502) 863-7350
        • BRCC Winchester, KY
          • P.O. Box 164, Winchester, KY 40392 (859) 744-3002
        • BRCC Richmond, KY
          • P.O. Box 639, Richmond, KY 40476, (859) 625-0213
        • BRCC Frankfort, KY
          • P.O. Box 1834, Frankfort, KY 40602 (502) 226-1400
        • BRCC Nicholasville, KY
          • P.O. Box 194, Nicholasville, KY 40340, (859) 881-5110
        • BRCC Danville, KY
          • P.O. Box 354, Danville, KY 40423, (859) 236-4445
    • ​​Catholic Charities of Louisville​, KY
      • ​Catholic Charities of Louisville operates the Kentucky Rescue and Restore Victims of Human Trafficking
  • Internal KYOVR Resources

  • Interpretation/Translation

      • Please contact Chris Sheetinger​ at (800) 372-7172 if you need any OVR form, policy, or publication in an alternate language, or if you need assistance finding an interpreter.
    • Statewide Language Interpreting Resources
      • Central Kentucky Interpreter Referral​
        • Provides:  Medical Interpreting and face to face interpreting
        • (859) 806-1600 Lexington/Central Counties
        • (859) 236-9248 Richmond/Eastern Counties
        • (859) 236-9888 Danville/Southern Counties
          • (Covers the Western Kentucky if advance notice is received)
        • Clarity Central Kentucky Interpreting, All counties, (859) 285-8289, Contact Person: Greg Holden
        • Provides:  Face to face interpreting
      • Language Consulting Services, Boone, Kenton, Grant, Campbell, and Gallatin Counties (859) 912-1531, Contact Person: Fares Ferreira da Silva, Jr.
        • Provides:  Face to Face Interpreting Services for Spanish and Portuguese languages for both medical and non-medical purposes
  • Legal Services

    • Maxwell Street Legal Clinic, Lexington, KY
      • All first time clients must call the office at (859) 233-3840 to request a consultation. Maxwell accepts callers every Wednesday between the hours of 9:00am - 1:00pm. A Clinic representative will obtain information about the case that will be reviewed by an attorney. An attorney or caseworker will contact the consumer to let them know if they need to come in for a consultation.  Maxwell does not accept “walk-in” clients.
      • (859) 233-3840
    • Catholic Charities of Louisville, Louisville, KY
      • Catholic Charities Immigration Legal Services is a BIA recognized office providing legal assistance and counseling to low- and moderate-income immigrants and refugees.  Services Include: Inquiry about status of Alien Registration Card, Replacement of Permanent Resident card or I-94, Employment Authorization, Travel Documents, Permanent Residency (Green Card), Naturalization and Citizenship, Petition for Alien Relative, Affidavit of Support, and Consultation regarding immigration issues, Representation in removal.​
      • 2220 West Market Street, Louisville, KY 40212, MRS (502) 636 -9263, ESL: (502) 873-2566
    • Kentucky Equal Justice Center, All counties
      • ​Trent Taylor, Employment Lawyer
      • 455 South 4th Street, Suite 600, Louisville, KY 40202, (502) 333-6019
    • Kentucky Labor Cabinet, All counties
      • Dianet Valencia
      • 1047 U.S. Highway 127 South, Ste 4, Frankfort, KY  40601, (502) 564-3070
    • ​Kentucky Commission on Human Rights, All counties, email
      • ​Trent Taylor, Employment Lawyer
      • 332 W. Broadway, 7th Floor, Louisville, KY 40202, (502) 595-4024, (800) 292-5566
  • Mental Health

    • ​Bluegrass Community Health Center​, Lexington, KY
      • Bluegrass Community Health Center clinic locations provide complete, bilingual, medical care to adults and children, including counseling services, women's health and well child visits. BCHC accepts Medicaid, Medicare, TRICARE, Anthem, Humana, Aetna and other insurances. Uninsured patients may be eligible to receive a discount based on household income.   BCHC is an OVR vendor.
      • ​151 N. Eagle Creek Dr.  Suite 220 Lexington, KY 40509, (859) 263-2507 
      • 1306 Versailles Rd. Suite 120 Lexington, KY 40504, (859) 259-2635
    • ​Hope Center - Hispanic Program, Lexington, KY​
        • The bilingual coordinator of the program provides a wide variety of services including help in finding full-time or part-time jobs and appropriate social services; assistance with immigration issues; referral to other community resources; general counseling regarding personal, social, legal and cultural challenges; and classes in English as a second language.
        • (859) 252-7881, Erica Shanchez
  • Resource Directories​


​​​​​​​​Need​ more help? Contact us

Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Central Office
Mayo-Underwood Building
500 Mero Street 4th Floor NE
Frankfort, KY 40601
800-372-7172 (V/TTY)

​More Information