Vocational Rehabilitation

​​Order of Selection

The Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) has drafted proposed changes to the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Portion of the 2024-2027 Combined State Plan to implement an Order of Selection (OOS). An OOS is a process defined within the Rehabilitation Act to follow when an agency has determined there are not enough available resources to serve all individuals with disabilities in the state. By this process, individuals with the most significant disabilities are given priority over those with less significant disabilities. The OVR’s implementation of OOS is governed by 782 KAR 1:030(3).

OVR has completed four (4) public hearings, and a 30-day comment period which gave stakeholders in the VR community and members of the public the opportunity to provide input and comment on the proposed policy changes affecting VR Services.

The following links provide access to the proposed changes to VR services and the presentation used for the public hearing:

Coming Soon--New Case Management System for the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation

In the coming months, the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation will transition to a new case management system. This new, more modern system will create greater efficiencies in services when full implementation is completed. To prepare for this transition, OVR agency staff will be working diligently to get case files in the current system ready for transfer to the new system. Staff also will undergo intensive training required for the new system. All these items will temporarily impact staff schedules and may increase the wait time for appointments or require rescheduling of existing appointments. OVR appreciates your patience during this hectic time of transition to the new case management system and will do all it can to minimize its impact on our services. 


All Kentuckians with disabilities have an opportunity to be an essential part of Kentucky's workforce and their communities.


To empower Kentuckians with disabilities to maximize independence and economic security through competitive, integrated employment.

Core Values

OVR recognizes and respects the talents and contributions of all individuals as a vital part of a productive society. Therefore, OVR values:

  • The rights, merit, and dignity of all persons with disabilities;
  • Independence for Kentuckians with disabilities;
  • Diversity, inclusion, and belonging;​
  • Competitive, integrated employment;
  • Career advancement and economic security; and
  • Collaborative efforts and partnerships.


As indicated in the Strategic Plan​​.​

OVR State Plan

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation State Plan 2024-2027

Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment Report

2023 Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment (CSNA) Report

Written Notice of Beneficiary Protections (18 F)

Recently, the U.S. Department of Education notified OVR that we are now required to provide individuals who may receive OVR services a copy of this notice related to religious activities.  Please click on the link below to view the “Written Notice of Beneficiary Protections (18 F),” which outlines certain religious non-discrimination protections.

Written Notice of Beneficiary Protections (18 F)

​​​​​​​​Need​ more help? Contact us

Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Central Office
Mayo-Underwood Building
500 Mero Street 4th Floor NE
Frankfort, KY 40601
800-372-7172 (V/TTY)

​More Information

Additional Information 
