Social Security and Ticket to Work Services

The Ticket to Work Program offers Social Security disability beneficiaries greater choice in obtaining the services needed to help them go to work.   

Most Social Security and Supplemental Security Income disability beneficiaries will receive a 'ticket' to use to obtain vocational rehabilitation, employment or other support services from an approved provider of their choice.  The Ticket to Work Program is completely voluntary. 

Contact Information:
Donna Osburn, SSI/SSDI Program Administrator
Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
333 Waller Avenue, Suite 180
Lexington, KY  40504
859-226-5158 or 844-257-0009

​​Social Security Administration Work Incentive Information

For more information about Social Security work incentives, call the Social Security Administration at: 800-772-1213; or contact your local Social Security office; or visit Social Security Administration Worksite.

Ticket to Work Helpline


866-833-2967 (TTY) 

Monthly webinars on work incentives can be accessed at the Ticket to Work Website​

Employment Network

Employment Networks are private organizations or public agencies, which have agreed to work with Social Security to provide services under this program.  For more information, call the Ticket to Work helpline or access the Social Security Administration Worksite or the T​icket to Work Website​.

Ticket to Work Philosophy and Principles 

Kentucky Vocational Rehabilitation has as its mission to assist eligible individuals with disabilities to achieve suitable employment and independence. Ticket to Work in no way changes that mission. All eligible individuals will receive the highest quality services consistent with the individual's strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice. Services to eligible individuals will not be delayed while confirmation of Ticket availability is sought or negotiations with Employment Networks are in progress. Services agreed upon by the beneficiary and the Employment Network and listed in the Individualized Work Plan when an individual assigns the ticket to an Employment Network are considered comparable benefits for eligible individuals​consumers and are not to be purchased by vocational rehabilitation. Eligible individuals who are referred by an Employment Network but whose Individualized Work Plan is not, in the opinion of the counselor, appropriate given the individual’s strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice will be served under a new Individualized Plan for Employment including only those services which the individual and counselor agree are necessary to achieve the vocational objective. All Ticket to Work procedures are to be developed to ensure that the program meets the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and to limit the impact on field staff as they provide services to eligible individuals. 

Why choose Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation for Ticket to Work Services? 

Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation provides high quality employment services to people receiving Social Security Income and Social Security Disability Income. We have established a working relationship with the Social Security Administration and understand the benefit issues that impact going to work.

Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation knows that individuals have many other concerns when considering going to work such as health care, childcare, and accessibility. We are knowledgeable about community resources and can assist individuals with these concerns.

Unlike other Employment Networks, Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation works with individuals with disabilities regardless of whether an individual wants to work full time or part time. OVR helps individuals find work whether the individual wants to supplement the individual's check or eventually discontinue Social Security benefits entirely. OVR urges an individual to take advantage of benefits counseling so the individual understands exactly what will happen to the individual's monthly check and medical insurance when the individual goes to work.

Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation's vocational rehabilitation counselors are educated professionals. Counselors help individuals examine the labor market and choose a job that will maximize an individual's strengths. 

What to Expect
  • ​Individualized service delivered by qualified professional counselors.
  • Convenient locations throughout the state of Kentucky.
  • Services from approved and qualified vendors.
  • The benefit of over 80 years of experience and commitment to serving individuals with disabilities. Each year OVR assists approximately 5,000 individuals with disabilities to be successfully employed.

Social Security Informational Resources

  1. ​Virginia Commonwealth University periodically provides a 2-week Introductory Web Course.  An archived version from April through September 2019 (Parts 1-6) with Lucy Axton Miller is available on the Project E3 website:​

  2. Impact of wages on benefits from UK HDI:

  3. Social Security Redbook:​



​​​​​​​​Need​ more help? Contact us

Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Central Office
Mayo-Underwood Building
500 Mero Street 4th Floor NE
Frankfort, KY 40601
800-372-7172 (V/TTY)

​More Information
