Persons Served
Individuals requiring alternative methods, strategies, or equipment for managing daily activities at home, in the workplace, in school, or in the community.
Service Goal
The goal of Assistive Technology is to provide professional consultation, assessment, and training in the use of assistive technology that is designed to enable individuals with disabilities to become more independent and successful in the areas of personal care, independent living, education and work.
Service Features
Computer Access:
Specialized evaluation and training to disabled individuals in accessing computer technology for vocational, educational, and recreational needs.
Communication Technology:
Assistive listening devices
Augmentative/Alternative Communication:
Individuals with severe speech impairments or with no usable speech, providing recommendations and training in use of these devices.
Environmental Control Units:
Devices that allow an individual to control lights, television, telephone, room temperature, and other conditions in their surroundings by accessing a switch.
Mobility Technology:
Seating and Wheeled Mobility.
Customizing Technologies:
Fabricating and modifying special devices based on the needs of the individual client is an integral part of this service.
Educational Services:
Assessment for and implementation of assistive technology into instructional programs for occupational training.