​Persons Served

Consumers whose lives have been altered by head injury, stroke, spinal cord injury, amputation, orthopedic injury, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, ​burns, arthritis and any other orthopedic or neurological injury/disease. A physician's order is required to initiate physical therapy evaluations and/or treatment.

Service Goal

The goal of physical therapy is to help individuals meet the challenge of a disability by maximizing functional independence and community reintegration results.  Goals include restoration of strength, flexibility, balance, mobility, coordination and endurance.

Service Features

  • Ambulation training with or without orthotics or prostheses
  • Bed mobility and transfer training
  • Muscle regeneration
  • Instruction in proper body mechanics, lifting techniques and lower back care, along with guidelines for safe work performance
  • Injury prevention education and work accommodation assessment
  • Modalities for pain control, joint motion and soft tissue healing, skin care
  • Patient and family education
  • Aquatic therapy
  • Lower extremity orthotic evaluation
  • Dry Needling Treatment
  • Myofascial Release Massage
  • ​Education on exercise programs for overall conditioning and health
  • Anodyne Therapy
  • Posture Analysis & Treatment​