​Persons Served
Persons referred by the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation who are enrolled in a service program at the Perkins Center.

Service Goal

Case managers assist each consumer in planning, accessing, and managing their services effectively for the achievement of their personal goals, and to learn and demonstrate advocacy skills.  Individuals will learn to adjust to their disabilities, obtain all needed services in a timely and sequential manner, acquire marketable vocational skills, and obtain life skills needed to transition effectively back into their community.

Service Definition

Case management services assist consumers to transition efficiently into the Perkins Center, obtain needed services, and develop advocacy skills.  The case manager completes written case documentation for each consumer as well as verbally communicates with agency staff, families, agencies, and professionals in a variety of fields.

Service Features

Case management services provide services that include, but are not limited to, individual guidance and counseling, client advocacy, individualized interdisciplinary program planning and service development, and communication with agency staff, families, and other agencies/professionals. Services also include completion of case documentation to meet agency, state, and federal guidelines.  The case management unit has the ability to provide its services to individuals with a wide variety of disabling conditions as well as consumers with multiple disabling conditions.