Persons Served
Persons with disabilities referred by the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation or other agencies having service agreements with the Perkins Center.
Service Goal
To provide vocational evaluation, assessment, education, career exploration, and vocational guidance to individuals with disabilities. Also, to make recommendations for services to assist individuals in employment, career development and independent living.
Service Features
Career counseling, vocational exploration and vocational guidance.
Assessment of vocational interests, aptitude, academic achievement, independent living functioning, need for assistive technology, and physical/environmental capacities.
Available Vocational Evaluation Tools
Physical and Psychomotor Capacities:
Driver Vision Screening Test
Physical Therapy Assessment
Occupational Therapy Assessment
Physical and Environmental Capacities Evaluation(completed by Physician)
Speech/Language/Hearing Assessment
GATB/NATB(manual dexterity and finger dexterity)
Situational Assessment
Psychological Assessment
Rehabilitation Technology Assessment
Intellectual Capacities:
Raven Progressive Matrices
Psychological Assessment
GATB (general learning score)
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV)
Work Impact Skills:
Job Survival and Success Scale (JSSS)
Learning Styles Inventory (LSI)
Work Impact Watcher (WAM)
ONET- Career Value Inventory
Work Readiness Inventory (WPI)
Barriers to Employment Success Inventory (BESI)
Situational Assessment
Behavioral Observations
Vocational Interview
Independent Living Skills (ILS)
Mental Health Consultation
Alcohol/Drug Assessment
Vocational Interest:
Self-Directed Search (SDS)
Reading-Free Vocational Inventory Second Edition (R-FVII:2)
Vocational Interview
Career Interest, Preferences, and Strengths Inventory (CAPSI)
Picture Interest Career Survey (PICS)
Career Exploration Inventory
RIASEC Inventory
Job-Seeking Skills:
Sample Job Application
Vocational Interview
Career Exploration Inventory
Ability Explorer
Vocational Aptitudes:
Situational Assessment
GATB/NATB (measures 9 aptitudes)
Jewish Employment and Vocational Service Work Sample System (JEVS)
Wide Range Achievement Test
Tests of Ault Basic Education (TABE)
Peabody Individual Achievement Test-NU