Academic and Life Skills Program of Higher Achievement (ALPHA)

​Persons Served

This program is designed to provide instruction and support to assist students in the successful completion of vocational training or other postsecondary ​education. ALPHA Informational Flyer

Program Goal

The ALPHA program will target individuals who may not fit the typical Job Readiness Training (JRT) student descriptions. Students will qualify for the ALPHA program if they meet the following criteria:
  • Need to increase academic levels to enter training at the Center, KCTCS or a school in their home area
  • Need assistance, support and tutoring while attending KCTCS
  • Do not need "hands-on" classes.
  • Do not need to address the JRT target behaviors
  • Should have a 6th grade or higher math and reading level
  • May need Social Skills class, Community Living class, and/or Study Skills class
  • Typically at the Center longer than the average JRT student
  • They are a GED student
  • Require Developmental Education classes at a vocational school or college 

Program Features

Classes offered in this program include Computer Basics, Reading, Math​, Social Skills, Research & Study Skills, and Individual Support/Tutoring.  Students that need to increase reading, writing, and math skills will be placed in education classes to prepare them for Compass Entrance test for college.
The ALPHA Program instructors will also help students with financial aid applications, provide tutoring services, assist students in the computer lab for online classes, and serve as a liaison to disability coordinators and instructors. 

Target Behaviors

The target behaviors for the ALPHA program:
  • Responsibility
  • Quality of work
  • Quantity of work
  • Initiative
  • Attention to task 

Additional Resources