GED (General Education Development) Test Preparation

Persons Served

Adult Education & GED services provide academic skills instruction and GED preparation to assist individuals in improving educational attainment levels and​ successfully entering employment and post-secondary education. The program is available to students served through the Perkins Center, both in person and online.​

Program Goal

Classes are designed to improve an individual's ability to read, write and speak in English, use computers, solve problems, and function e​ffectively in the workplace, family and society. Students can improve basic educational levels prior to seeking training.  Classes are based on individual needs and use a variety of instructional media.
The GED is an educational credential for adults who did not graduate high school.  The GED test measures the educational achievement of adults and compares their competency with that of high school graduates. The battery of tests involves high-school thinking skills, including application, analysis, comprehension and evaluation, language, arts-reading, language arts-writing, mathematics, science and social studies.